Awarded MacDowell & Bogliasco Fellowships!

By September 20, 2024October 22nd, 2024Resources, Walk by Me

I was awarded a 2024 Macdowell Fellowship and a 2025 Bogliasco Fellowship – both are artist residencies, given to continue writing and editing Walk by Me.  A huge honor!

Here’s the list of MacDowell Fellows for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 – i’m honored to be among them.  MacDowell is the oldest artist residence in the United States, and they provide uninterrupted time to reflect, innovate, study, practice, and create.  My time there was productive and inspiring, and led to several breakthroughs in my editing of Walk by Me. There’s a magic at MacDowell which comes from a combination of artists from different disciplines having the solitude to create in private studios and also come together at dinners, artist shares, trips to the local pond, game nights, and star-watching at the amphitheater.   Past Fellows include James Baldwin, Thornton Wilder, Ta-Nahisi Coates, Meredith Monk, Studs Terkel, Suzan-Lori Parks, Aaron Copland, and so many more.

The Bogliasco Center is based on the Italian Ligurian coast near Genoa.  We will be 8-10 artists and humanities scholars, who will be doing a mix of creative and scholarly work.  I love their emphasis on carefully designed international cohorts, so our work can cross-fertilize each other and echo around the world.  Here’s the list of Fellows for Spring 2025.  I’m already taking Italian lessons, and can’t wait to have a full month at Bogliasco to continue editing Walk by Me!



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